R Package Development Tools and Libraries
R Packages
Core Development Libraries
These package should generally be utilized in every package being developed.
For package development automation:
For generating documentation (man/
) pages:
For testing:
Other Common Libraries
Some additional useful libraries are:
remotes: for dependencies and installations
available: to check if package name is available
lifecycle: function lifecycle
desc: Package description management
quarto: for modern documents
pkgdown: generate package documentation static site
testdown: generate test report after running
testsgitdown: generate git commit report
Dependency Management
- pak
- attachment
- renv
- remotes
- devtools
- pacman
- automagic
- CodeDepends
- sysreqs
- deps
- pkgnet
- functiondepends
Credentials and Secrets
- credentials
- keyring
- gitcreds
- config
- askpass
plus base R’s Sys.getenv()
Fundamental Low Level Packages
These packages are not necessarilly called directly but are built on top of as dependencies to higher level libraries (i.e. usethis, devtools, etc.)
- pkgload
- pkgdepends
- pkgbuild
- pkgcache
- pkgapi
- pkgnet
Linting and Styling
- goodpractice
- lintr
- styler
- formatR
- stylermd
- spelling
- roxylint
- cleanr
- janitor
- sanitizers
- refactor
- docthis
- prettydoc
- quarto
- pkgdown
- testdown
- gitdown
- papillon
- spelling
- fusen
- badger
- badgen
- bookdown
- altdoc
- fledge
- newsmd
- autonewsmd
- docreview
- covrpage
Checks and Tests
- testthat
- testdown
- autotest
- tinytest
- shinytest2
- goodpractice
- rcmdcheck
- spelling
- testdat
- validate
- realtest
- roxytest
- autotest
- checkhelper
- codetools
- covr
- covrpage
- checkglobals
- rhub
- cli
- logger
- snakecase
- prefixer
- addinit
- fusen
- golem
- roger
- patrick
- janitor
- qs
- fs
- purrr
- oysteR
- foghorn
- cranlogs
- dlstats
- actions
- rworkflows
- tic
- gpg
- debugr
- valtools
- ssh
- checkmate
- assertive
- assertthat
- pkgcond
- validate
- riskmetric
- represtools
- containerit
- dockerfiler
- packer
- htmltools
- onetime
- gitignore
- dbx
- RPostgres
- dbplyr
- fs
- gh
- whoami
- sessioninfo
- plumber
- rprojroot
- here
- whisker
- config
- knitr
- rmarkdown
- magick
- spelling
- desc
- waldo
- goodpractice
- conflicted
- connections
- stringr
- lubridate
- dm
- datamodelr
- vctrs
- webfakes
- ps
- evaluate
- systemfonts
- later
- future
- promises
- pillar
- pretyunits
- processx
- callr
- withr
- cachem
- memoise
- bench
- R6
- ymlthis
- piggyback
- itdepends
- debugme
- dependencies
- assert
- pointblank
- docthis
- ellipsis
- miniUI
- rversions
- profvis
- digest
- pingr
- rhub
- automagic
- pacman
- rcompendium
- litr
- leprechaun
- pkgverse
- metamakr